
Susbintal – Kursus Pembinaan Mental

Maret 16, 2009

Ingatkah anda kapan terakhir kali anda menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dengan semangat 45? atau pernahkah anda menangis saat menyanyikan lagu Bagimu Negeri?

Hal tersebut aku rasakan saat mengikuti susbintal selama sebulan kemarin. Patriotisme yang meluap-luap, semangat berapi-api saat menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dan Bagimu Negeri. Mata ini pun berkaca-kaca.

Itu hanyalah satu dari sekian hal yang kami – para peserta – dapat dari mengikuti susbintal tersebut. Masih teringat saat orientasi, bagaimana kami disuruh tiarap dan berguling-guling di lapangan becek berlumpur yang di sana-sini banyak uretnya (*larva kumbang). Disambung makan di tempat itu juga, beralaskan lumpur, ditambah kuah dari air hujan, tentunya dibumbui sedikit lumpur. Lalu berjalan berkilo-kilo jauhnya sampai kaki kami lecet karena baru pertama kali memakai sepatu lars yang masih baru, mandi di sungai, hingga semua menderita bercak2 gatal di sekujur lengannya. Kami pun harus disuntik pantat.

Di sanalah kami mendapat kesempatan membawa senjata. Gerent (semoga benar penulisannya) dan M16-A1. Tidak hanya membawa, kami juga diajari cara membongkar-pasang dan menembak M16-A1. Luar biasa!!! 21 butir peluru masih terasa kurang.

Kegiatan fisik sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari. Kami selalu bangun pukul 4 pagi dan senam pukul 4.30. Masih ada pembinaan fisik di siang hari, dan materi fisik di sore hari. Mulai lari, jalan jongkok, push-up, sit-up, kayang, speed mars (jalan cepat bersenjata), lintas medan, hingga senam senjata dan senam balok kami lakukan. Kami juga mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukan dasar2 mountaineering. Tiap hari kami juga selalu diteriaki tentang kerapian barak, penempatan barang, dan cara pelipatan baju. Hati ini sampai dongkol, kenapa melipat celana dalam aja sampai diatur?? Tiap hari kami selalu bergantian tugas menjadi ketua kelas, piket kelas, piket siswa, jaga kamar dan jaga serambi. Yang terakhir inilah yang membuat tidur kami terputus di tengah jalan karena harus bangun untuk melakukan tugas jaga.

Tentunya tidak hanya kegiatan lapangan saja yang kami lakukan. Banyak sesi kelas, seperti halnya kuliah, yang juga akan diambil nilai dengan ujian. Lulus tidaknya kami bergantung pada nilai ujian itu. Padahal, dengan serangkaian kegiatan yang begitu padat, kami tidak sanggup menolak datangnya rasa kantuk yang luar biasa di sesi-sesi kelas tersebut.

Setiap kegiatan, peristiwa, kejadian yang kami lalui hanya untuk 3 kata: kepemimpinan, kedisiplinan, dan loyalitas.

36 siswa masuk, 36 siswa lulus. 36 orang berjiwa pupuk bawang, berubah menjadi macan. Pendidikan sudah usai, hasilnya kini dipertaruhkan.

15 komentar

  1. Salut, Ndu!!!

    Aku aja nyerah gak ikut ospek fakultas karena males banget denger teriakan2 yang menyuruh hal2 gak penting. Hehehe…guess mental gak mau disuruh orang lebih berkuasa di sini, akibatnya jadi gak betahan kalo kerja.

    Tapi guess what, udah kutebus selama masa karierku sampai saat ini, ibaratnya, lulus duluan, ospek belakangan :))

    Salut2….pingin juga aku dilatih pegang senjata 😀

    • ak jg gak ngerti kok bisa2ny ikut ky gini…

  2. Yang bener garand
    Riue, Caliber .30, Ml (the Garand)
    One of the main distinctions of the
    Rifle, Caliber .30, Ml, almost universally
    known as the Garand, is that it was
    the first self-loading rifle to be
    accepted for military service. That
    acceptance happened during 1932,
    but there followed a distinct gap before
    the rifle entered service as it took
    some time to tool up for the complex
    production processes demanded by
    the design. The rifle was created by
    John C. Garand, who spent a great deal
    of time developing the design to the
    point that once in production it required
    very few alterations. Thus the
    last Ml looked very much like the first.
    As already mentioned, the Ml was a
    complicated and expensive weapon to
    manufacture, and required a large
    number of machining operations on
    many of the components. But it was a
    strong design and proved to be sturdy
    in action, although this was balanced in
    part by the weapon being rather
    heavier than comparable bolt-action
    designs. The Ml was a gas-operated
    When the USA entered World War
    II at the end of 1941, most of her regular
    forces were equipped with the Ml, but
    the rapid increase of numbers of men
    in uniform meant that the old M1903
    Springfield rifle had to be placed back
    into production as a quick increase in
    the flow of Mis from the lines was virtually
    impossible, as a result largely of
    the tooling problems already mentioned.
    But gradually Ml production
    built up, and some 5,500,000 had been
    churned out by the end of the war;
    production was resumed during the
    Korean War of the early 1950s.
    For the American forces the Ml
    Garand was a war-winner, whose
    strong construction earned the gratitude
    of many. But it did have one operational
    fault, namely its ammunition
    feed. Ammunition was fed into the rifle
    in eight-round clips, and the loading
    system was so arranged that it was
    possible to load only the full eight
    rounds or nothing, There was a further
    operational problem encountered
    when the last of the eight rounds was
    fired, for the empty clip was ejected
    from the receiver with a definite and
    pronounced sound that advertized to
    any nearby enemy that the firer’s rifle
    was empty, sometimes with unfortunate
    results to the Ml user. This problem
    was not eliminated from the Ml
    until 1957, when the US Army introduced
    the M14 rifle which was virtually
    a reworked Ml Garand with an increased
    ammunition capacity.
    Many sub-variants of the Ml were
    produced but few actually saw service
    The Carand was the first self-loading
    rifle accepted as a standard military
    weapon. Strong and sturdy, thegasoperatedMl
    was rather heavier than
    the bolt action Ml 903 Springfield.
    as the basic Ml proved to be more
    than adequate for most purposes.
    There were two special sniper versions,
    the MIC and the MID, both produced
    during 1944 but never in any
    great numbers, Each had such extras
    as a muzzle flash cone and butt plates.
    The Ml attracted the attention of the
    USA’s enemies to the extent that the
    Germans used as many as they could
    capture, with the designation Selbstladegewehr
    251(a), and the Japanese
    produced their own copy, the 7.7-mm
    (0.303-in) Rifle Type 5, but only prototypes
    had been completed by the
    time the war ended.
    Post-war the Ml went on for many
    years as the standard US service rifle,
    and some are still issued to National
    Guard and other such units, Several
    nations continue to use the Ml, and
    many designers have used the basic
    action as the basis for their own products:
    many of the modern Italian Beretta
    rifles use the Garand system as
    does the American 5.56-mm (0.22-in)
    Ruger Mini-14.
    Rifle Ml
    Calibre: 7.62 mm (0.3 in)
    Length: 1.107 m (43.6 in)
    Length of barrel: 609 mm (24 in)
    Weight: 4.313 kg (9.5 lb)
    Muzzle velocity: 855 m (2,805 ft) per
    Magazine: 8-round box
    Garand-armed infantrymen of the US
    4th Armored Division are seen in
    action in the Ardennes during the
    drive to relieve Bastogne and the
    trapped 101st Airborne Division.

    Resource : Encyclopedia Of Weapons Of World War II

    • @ Dimas
      makasih koreksi dan infonya…

  3. Kepemimpinan, Kedisiplinan dan Loyalitas, tantu dibutuhkan, antara lain dalam dunia kerja. Menurut saya ini berguna setidaknya membentuk ketahanan fisik dan mental…

    • @ Rita
      setuju bu!

  4. MERDEKA….

    • @nggersik
      atau mati!!

  5. fotonya mana?

  6. andai susbintal itu dilakukan seminggu sekali! 😀

    • @ kishandono
      males upload…lama ni…(lagian gak punya soft copy fotony kikikikik…)

      @ peyek

  7. Waahh, jadi inget pengalaman berkesan saat Timnas Indonesia melawan arab saudi saat Piala Asia lalu, Ratusan ribu orang menyanyi lagu Indonesia Raya dengan penuh khidmad dan semangat. saat itu gw nyanyi sambil nangis berharap Indonesia Menang.

    • @ cony, betul..betul…hiks..

  8. wah jadi inget saat di menwa dulu…

    • Wah…kebetulan pas sy bintal jg bareng sm tmn2 menwa..

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